This research project develops between Sept. 2018 and April 2019.
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This project develops further the partnership between the newPIC chair and Innovation Factory and Bpifrance Le Lab, that materialized over the recent years with investigations of open innovation platforms. In 2016-2017, we analyzed innovation platforms located in Paris region. In 2017-2018, we focused on innovation platforms in continental France regional hubs. This second investigation also analyzed the emerging phenomenon of "mega-platforms". We also analyse here corporate innovation labs (open labs). We expand the analysis previously published in the White Book of open labs co-produced by the newPIC chair and the FutuRIS platform at ANRT.
The projects commissioned by Innovation Factory and Bpifrance Le Lab have notably produced a taxonomy and rationales for the analysis for the interaction between innovation platforms and, on the other hand, large established firms, SMEs and Medium size firms, and startups. We have also analyzed the role of innovation platforms in innovation-related local/ regional policy-making. We have proposed ratinoales for the interpretation of interactions with innovation communities, the support to open innovation initiatives, and the appraisal of business models and legal forms applicable to innovation platforms.
The 2018-2019 project confronts our research results to tendencies emerging in several countries in South-East Asia. We expect to draw a comparison between these tendencies and our data collected in France.
As compared to previous projects...
NB: The research report is only available in French language.
A specific difficulty of this project lies in the fact that newPIC chair faculties do not travel to South East Asia to process data collection themselves. We obviously take advantage of our actual experience with visits of local sciences parks and open innovation platforms for the comparison with France, but data collection is partly outsourced to a local consulting company selected by the commissioners of the project. Risks are mitigated because we have installed a joint learning process with the consultants in charge of data collection to preserve the best academic rigor and avoid any interpretation bias. The newPIC chair also performed specific interviews in China, and had the opportunity to organize several visits in innovation platforms when visiting Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing in 2018 and 2019.
As in previous projects about innovation platforms, the research methods elaborates on semi-structured interviews and visits of the platforms.
The newPIC chair has structured and extensively documented the interview guidelines to be used to perform semi-structured interviews. These guidelines were discussed with the consultants before any actual interview on the field. All interviews are recorded with the interviewee's authorization. These recordings and the associated transcripts are made available in real time to the newPIC team, and the consultants are eventually asked to introduce further questions to allow more precise comparisons.
The list of innovation platforms has been initially proposed by the consultants, yet selection occured according to the principles of variety, relevance, and reliability required for an exploratory and abductive research project adhering the the strictest principes of academic rigor. The final decision for the selection of the sample of innovation platforms took into account the availability of interviewees, and the requirements for scientific triangulation.
This section documents the list of innovatino platforms and corporate labs compared in the report.
Innovation is Everywhere is an independent company focusing on emerging markets and new technology. They deliver business intelligence reports, organize learning expeditions, and deliver consulting on innovation, startups, entrepreneurs and tech trends. They also cover the big events such as CES Las Vegas, SXSW Austin, NPC Bengalore, Websummit Ireland, Arabnet Beirut, VentureCon Japan, etc. They have made a specialty
Innovation is Everywhere is a long-lasting partner of Innovation Factory.
In this project, Innovation is Everywhere has proposed the list of innovation platforms to be investigated; it has been then validated by the commissioners of the project in accordance with the academic requirements introduced by the newPIC chair. Innovation is Everywhere is also in charge of processing data collection under the newPIC chair academic supervision.
The institutions commissioning the project have contracted with a local consulting company for data collection; it is processed under newPIC's supervision.
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Research project commissioned to the newPIC chair
by Bpifrance Le Lab and Innovation Factory in 2017-2018.
Visit the page dedidated to this project on Innovation Platforms in French regional ecosystems
The Research report is available for download from the url
Research project commissioned to the newPIC chair
by Bpifrance Le Hub, Innovation Factory and Paris&Co in 2016-2017.
Visit the page dedidated to this project on Innovation Platforms in Paris
The Research report is available for download from the url
Activities jointly organized and facilitated by the newPIC chair and ANRT's FutuRIS platform,
and developed in 2015-2016.
Visit the page dedidated to the activities of the Expert Groups on Open Labs in France
The White Book of Open Labs in France is available for download from the url