The newPIC chair organizes several seminars on its research topics every year.
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This workshop examines returns on experience and managerial practices to generate deeper collaboration, intensify co-creation, support start-ups and established companies to explore, develop, and accelerate their projects thanks to open labs (living labs, fab labs, coworking spaces, “third spaces”, etc.). Open labs are the beatbox to create a rhythm in ecosystems and make all stakeholders move forward, faster, together. The workshop presents research results published in Merindol and Versailles, eds; (2023). This book proposes a framework to understand how open labs, innovation hubs, and collaborative spaces contribute to ecosystems. The book looks beyond the short-term effects of open labs and identifies four main dimensions: communities, physical spaces, events, and portfolios of services offered to private businesses, entrepreneurs, and start-ups, established companies, or public institutions. The wokshop wraps up about managerial ways of working and discusses how “users” or “clients” evolve when benefitting from open lab services. To make an effective impact on innovation in ecosystems, open labs require an actual management elaborating on the dynamics of communities and on physical spaces, and shaping the co-evolution between open labs and their ecosystems.
Free of charge
PARIS, France
Zoom Webinar
for Canadian audience
Language: English
The workshop is relevant for scholars and researchers in the fields of innovation studies and management science.
It can also inform teaching, public policymaking, and professional practice.
The workshop is organized by the newPIC chair at Paris School of Business,
thanks to Paris School of Business valorisation funding.
The event is organized under the patronnage of EURAM Strategic Interrest Group on Innovation.
The workshop is organized in partnership with MOSAIC research group at HEC Montreal.
Healthcare was a domain at ease with the cascade or techno-push model of innovation, with a special attention on experimentation structured by legal test protocols. The management of innovation in healthcare has attracted renewed attention with the reference to AI, “big data”, biotechs, medtechs and with the reference to user-centric innovation.
This special issue focuses on new practices for the management of innovation in all subareas of healthcare. The special issues covers the development of user-centric innovation and of experimentation in healthcare, with a special focus on complementarities with traditional cascade top-down (techno-push) innovation. User-centric innovation in healthcare makes it also possible to test new business models with the appropriate stakeholders and to analyze the adoption of innovation. The healthcare domain is original because it provides field research to analyze the dynamics in the Triple or Quadruple Helix (State, research, industry, actual people) and the interactions between them in local ecosystems. It provides also a relevant domain to question the status of "user" in user-centric innovation.
Free of charge
Location: HYBRID
Zoom Webinar
and Naples (Italy)
Language: English
The workshop is jointly organized by the Vimass Research Lab from Parthenope University, Naples (Italy) and by the newPIC chair at Paris School of Business, in partnership with the KnowMedTech Association (Naples, Italy).
The event is organized under the patronnage of EURAM Strategic Interrest Group on Innovation.
The workshop is supported by the DISAQ “Progetto di Eccellenza”.
Espaces de coworking, incubateurs, fab labs, makerspaces : la diversité des open labs n’est plus à démontrer. Leur rôle pour répondre à une variété d’enjeux est crucial tant pour les entreprises, les organisations publiques que pour le développement des territoires. Pourtant de nombreuses questions demeurent.
Comment les open labs contribuent-ils aujourd’hui à renouveler le potentiel de créativité et d’innovation des acteurs publics et privés ? Ces lieux représentent-ils des dispositifs uniques pour casser les silos ? Comment y parviennent-ils ?
Les enjeux liés aux open labs ne s’arrêtent pas à l’innovation et à la créativité. Ils représentent aussi un cadre socio-institutionnel qui favorise l’activité entrepreneuriale. Il importe alors de comprendre comment les open labs contribuent-à sécuriser les entrepreneurs dans leurs différentes activités.
Ces thèmes seront abordés pendant cette journée d’échanges à partir des résultats de travaux de recherche produits par les équipes de la chaire newPIC de Paris School of Business, et de retours d’expérience de professionnels issus des secteurs publics et privés qui sont directement impliqués dans la vie des open labs.
Free of charge
Inscription gratuite
L'événement est organisé sous le patronnage du SIG 06 Innovation d'EURAM, par les membres français de l'action COST CA18214 financée par l'Union Europeenne, et en partenariat avec GALILEO GLOBAL EDUCATION Enetreprises.
Les inscrits à l'événement recevront par email les codes pour se connecter aux sessions.
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