Francois-Xavier de VAUJANY, PSB Universite Paris Dauphine
Julie FABBRI, EM Lyon Business School
Free of charge
Thanks for confirming your presence at the address:
Program of the event
22 SEPT. 2016
15:00-15:15 – Presentation of the RGCS network.
Introduction by coordinators of the RGCS network and the RGCS Barcelona Chapter
by Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway (UB Universitat de Barcelona), Ignasi Capdevila (PSB Paris School of Business),
François-Xavier de Vaujany (PSL-Université Paris-Dauphine), and Julie Fabbri (EMLYON Business School)
15:15-16:00 – Participants’ short introduction (Background and motivation).
16:00-16:30 – Presentation “Developing a community of makers in Barcelona” Cecilia Tham (Makers of Barcelona).
16:30-17:00 – Open discussion.
17:00-17:30 – Presentation “Coworking and Universities” Raquel Villero (Coworking UB).
17:30-18:00 – Open discussion.
18:00-18:30 – Concluding of the discussion: What can we do together? Chaired by Montserrat Pareja Eastaway (UB), Ignasi Capdevila (PSB), and Roser Pujadas (London School of Economics).
18:30-19:00 – Networking.
23 SEPT. 2016
9:30 -14:00 – Visit of collaborative spaces in Barcelona (Canòdrom, Almogàvers and Hangar).
After the visits: meeting between people interested in being involved in the chapter: What can we do from what happened?
CAPDEVILA, I. 2015. "Co-Working Spaces and the Localised Dynamics of Innovation in Barcelona".
International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(3).
This page will be regularly updated with information for contributors.
The text of this invitation in English is available for download in clicking on the pdf icon...