The newPIC chair specializes in the investigation of the micro-foundations of innovation and creativity: it addresses the emergence
of new ideas and their appropriation by actors and stakeholders; it also covers the whole process of value creation.
Innovation represents a key dimension of competition for both territories and the industry. The management of innovation has been sharply transformed by the perspectives introduced by the economy of knowledge. From the emergence of new ideas to value creation, repositioning the management of innovation has become a necessity. Change locates a multiple levels: structures and processes, individual and collective practices in the industry, in territories and in ecosystems.
These new perspectives require a comprehensive investigation of the new drivers ruling upon the management of innovation and the transfer of key knowledge assets, at individual and collective levels. Such an evolution in the industry also impacts the role of public policies, and the tools mobilized for supporting innovation and creativity. They incur new approaches for the appraisal of the role of territories, and of collective initiatives in ecosystems.
The newPIC chair investigates the specificities of contexts, territories and industry sectors in order to singularize innovation processes, best practices and business models. Different contexts and application domains are covered: cosmetics, kitchen appliances or aeronautics, Space, Defense and Security.
The newPIC chair follows a triple activity: