On this page, we have listed all newPIC faculty members' publications issued in scientific journals and in edited books.
For each categogy, the list introduces the most recent contributions first. Click on the authors' names to expand the boxes.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals... 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
Articles in edited books... 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
"Boundary Spanners in the Orchestration of Resources: Global-Local Complementarities in Action"
"Boundary objects as the missing link in resources orchestration: an exploratory study of Dassault Mirage IV and Rafale programs"
"Scientific network centrality of European regions: the role of territorial resources"
"Construire les interdépendances entre Business Models dans une stratégie de diversification reliée"
"Technology transfer offices and academic open labs as different types of organizational intermediairies in science-society relationships"
"Le Bazar est dans la cathédrale : l’espace comme catalyseur de l’implication de l’usager dans la créativité organisationnelle"
"Développer des capacités hautement créatives: le cas des laboratoires d’innovation ouverte"
"Assessing the role of culture as a moderator of the influence of cognitive age on seniors’travel motivation and perceived risk"
"Knowing communities and the innovative capacity of cities"
"Les multiples échelles et dynamiques urbaines de créativité et d’innovation"
"From a local community to a global influence. How elBulli restaurant created a new epistemic movement in the world of haute cuisine"
"The local and global knowledge dynamics through communities. The case of communities of makers and social entrepreneurs in Barcelona"
"Quoi de neuf, Docteur ? Les Living Labs en santé"
"Les laboratoires d’innovation ouverte comme dispositif intrapreneurial"
"Une typologie d'espaces ouverts d'innovation basée sur les différents modes d'innovation et motivations à la participation"
"Expérience de consommation et structure de l’imaginaire d’une grappe de commerces.
Le cas d’un espace urbain de consommation festive"
"Scientific connectivity of European regions: Towards a typology of cooperative schemes"
"Audience Participation in cultural projects: Bringing the organization back in"
"Establishing new codes for creativity through haute cuisine: the case of Ferran Adia and Elbulli"
"Smart City or smart citizens? The Barcelona case"
"Technological environment and technology entrepreneurship: a cross-country analysis"
"Technologies de l’information et variété des formes de co-création : vers un nouveau paradigme pour la Défense américaine"
"Co-Working Spaces and the Localised Dynamics of Innovation in Barcelona"
"Les différentes approches entrepreneuriales dans les espaces ouverts d'innovation"
"Les modalités et conséquences de collaboration entre consommateur-senior et entreprise sur la co-création de valeur et le rôle des réseaux sociaux dans ce processus : Etude exploratoire"
"Le brevet comme outil stratégique des entreprises : vers l’émergence d’une nouvelle capacité organisationnelle ?"
"Les Nouveaux Territoires de l’Art, entre îlot et essaim"
"Innovation and internationalization of young entrepreneurial firms"
"Nostalgia and Innovation Driving Consumption of Retro Pop Music"
"The co-creation process in the development of nostalgic new products"
"A typology of localized spaces of collaborative innovation"
In Maarten van Ham, Darja Reuschke, Reinout Kleinhans, Stephen Syrett and Colin Mason (eds.) Entrepreneurial neighbourhoods – towards an understanding of the economies of neighbourhoods and communities. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers
"Les Open Labs en France: Quelqures repères et un regard sur les open labs d'entreprises."
Chapitre 7, pp 209-274 de la publication annuelle de la plateforme FutuRIS de l'ANRT, La recherche et l'innovation en France, sous la direction de Jacques Lesourne et Denis Randet, Paris: Editions Odile Jacob
"Entrepreneur et maker"
in Dimitri UZINIDIS et André TIRAN, eds; Directionnaire économique de l'entrepreneur, Paris: Classiques Garnier
"Les ancrages locaux et les dynamiques globales des communautés de connaissance"
in J.-P. DUPUIS, ed; Ancrages culturels et dynamiques du management. Paris: Editions Vuibert
"Integration of brainstorming platform in a system of information systems "
in Proceedings of the 8th Internatinoal Conference on Management of Digital Ecosystems (IEEE - MEDES). NYC: ACM IEEE
"About the relevance of digital ecosystems for collaborative expert group projects"
in Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design
"How can city labs enhance the citizens' motivation in different types of innovation activities?"
in L.M. Aiello and D. McFarland (Eds;), SocInfo 2014 Workshops, LNCS 8852,pp. 64–71, Springer
"Co-Working Spaces and the Localised Dynamics of Innovation in Barcelona"
in Huizingh, K.R.E, Conn, S. Torkkeli, M. and Bitran, I., eds; The Proceedings of The ISPIM Americas Innovation Forum, October, ISBN 978-952-265-589-9
"The role of nostalgic experiences in co-creation offers"
in Proceedings of the Annual Conference Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, REF
"A Perspective on Disruptive Innovation"
in Evolution et perspectives du management, Paris: L'Harmattan
"Invention, Innovation and the Growing Demand for Energy"
in The Case of Solar Powerr and India, Frederic ENCEL ed; Paris: Eclypse