This research project develops between Jan. 2019 and Sep. 2021.
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This project is commissioned by DREES, research and statistical office of the French Ministry for Solidarities and Healthcare, Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé.
The principles of collaborative economies elaborate on new rationales for working practices. This 24m long research project aims at better understanding these principles in reference to open innovation laboratories and collaborative spaces. The project will most notably focus on available economic, symbolic and sociological resources, and on the subsequent impacts on the stakeholders' sense of "protection".
The originality of the project sheds light on "social protection" throught the lenses of collaborative spaces, most notably coworking spaces.
How and When do
these spaces become platforms for some social engineering to provide a new working environment for the contributors to digital economies, and not solely
genuine open spaces for rent? How do the spaces contribute to articulate together some "social protection"?
The project investigates economic and organizational models used in collaborative economies, and their impact on the job market, and on working conditions. The project also analyses roles and statuses for the workers present in collaborative economies, and their need for social protection. The project addresses 3 aspects of social protection: the legal, sociological and physiological dimensions. The project also articulates these aspects with an analysis of the "dark side" of IT, most notably the impact of 24/7 connectivity on social, personal and professional lives.
Collaborative represent a new and complex phenomenon. The originality of our approach locates in the focus on the organizations framing such collaboration, and the associated stakholders. This focus on microfoundations makes it possible to understand motivations, decisions, processes, and institutional patterns. Therefore a better understanding of future trends and tendencies. Organizational patterns and ways of working differ from traditional (private and public) organizations. Startuppers, freelancers and coworkers have to better understand how to cope with this new environement to make better decisions, incl. for their own protection.
We have several contributions with this project:
The kick-off of the project took place in Jan. 2019, for a project duration of 24 months.
The project articulates with three work pacakges for the project.
Recruitments for temporary positions
in this project are now closed
Former positions are described here
This research project is a joint activity between the newPIC chair at Paris School of Business, at Helène Bussy-Socrate's initiative, the RGCS network, the research team Management and Organization (M&O) at PSL Paris Dauphine University.
DRM (CNRS UMR 7088) was created on Jan 1st, 2005 in Dauphine university (PSL), and represents one of the major French researh centers in management science.
As a generalist research centers, DRM covers marketing, strategy, organization theory, human resource management, information systems, innovation, accounting and control.
DRM's strategy is based on theoretical and conceptual diversity, on a wide range of research topics, and on diverse methodological qualitative and quantitative methods.
LRGCS is both an alternative learned society, a think tank and an immaterial maker space about and for new work practices. Collaborative communities and collaborative movements (coworkers, makers, hackers, DIY) are both a research object and a lever to transform work practices. Since late 2016, the network co-produces a new research method (Open Walked Event-Based Experimentations) aiming at transforming jointly academic and entrepreneurial work practices. This method aims at becoming a #commons for academics and entrepreneurs involved in it (e.g. with a sharing of the symbolic capital of impact and citations).
as of Nov 1st, 2021
as of Nov 1st, 2021
We mention here publications in the press, specialized or not...
Research project commissioned to the newPIC chair
by Bpifrance Le Lab and Innovation Factory in 2017-2018.
Visit the page dedidated to this project on Innovation Platforms in French regional ecosystems
The Research report is available for download from the url
Research project commissioned to the newPIC chair
by Bpifrance Le Hub, Innovation Factory and Paris&Co in 2016-2017.
Visit the page dedidated to this project on Innovation Platforms in Paris
The Research report is available for download from the url
Activities jointly organized and facilitated by the newPIC chair and ANRT's FutuRIS platform,
and developed in 2015-2016.
Visit the page dedidated to the activities of the Expert Groups on Open Labs in France
The White Book of Open Labs in France is available for download from the url